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Showing posts from October, 2017

Human Nature

Human nature affects society, government, decision making, everyday life, and human behavior. Human nature is the reason we have bullies. Human nature is why we judge people, it is why we choose the things we do, it is the reason we think the way we do. People are good, bad and people are full of possibility as well. The way you were raised can impact the role of human nature in your life. In my opinion humans are good. Yes, there are bad people in the world but most people you come across have good intentions. Yes, everyone can be in bad moods at some point in their lives, but most people are not in bad moods their entire life! I was led to these beliefs because I am growing up in a time where there are many terrorist attacks. My family has taught me that even though there are bad people in the world, most people are not bad. Where you get your views on human nature comes from the family you grew up in and their views on things as well. I do believe that humans are fundamentally goo

Where do you see yourself in 10 Years?

Lots of people I know, know exactly what college they want to go to and what they want to do to make a living. I am not one of those people. I am trying my hardest to get good grades, keep my record clean, and have fun. Throughout my years of being in school I have learned to that I love science and math. I have always loved the idea of getting into the medical field after I graduate. I have traveled back and forth between what kind of things I would want to do in the medical field. When I first knew I wanted to get into medicine I wanted to be a pediatric surgeon. Then, I wanted to become a pediatric neurosurgeon before I realized I would become emotionally attached to the children. Currently, my dream is to become a psychiatrist. In ten years I can see myself studying to be a phsycatrist. In ten years I can see myself buying my very own home and knowing how to manage my time. In ten years I would love to either be doing something that will impact someones life tremendously or I wou

A + P

One of my favorite short stories was A+P. Although I had a hard time with understanding Sammy's point of view on things, it was still interesting to see what guys think of girls sometimes. The first time I read through to annotate I read very quickly, yet I understood most things. I had to read A+P  a second time slowly to truly understand what was going on in the story. What made this short story so interesting, was seeing what Sammy thought about the girls. I did not like how he wondered if girls just had a little buzz in their head or if they actually had brains. Although he did stand up for the girls, he still talked poorly about them. I think Sammy is a bit girl crazy because he quit his job because his boss did not allow the girls to come in just with their swimsuits. Overall, I enjoyed the short story A+P.

My Fall Break

"BEACH!" screamed my friend Emma as she came running to Annslee and me. We had just eaten lunch and were grabbing our bags frantically. We ran to the VPac bathroom and changed into Nike shorts and t-shirts as fast as we could. We hopped in the car and started talking about all the things we were going to do and what days we were going to do it on. After we finished talking, we all crashed for half of the ride. We all woke up starving so we pulled over and stopped at a Smoothie King. It was now 5 o'clock and we had just pulled into a little city called Rosemary. It had the cutest houses with shops and restaurants everywhere. I instantly fell in love. During the time that we stayed in Rosemary, we rode bikes everywhere we went. We traveled back and forth from Alys beach to Rosemary because they were connecting towns. Every day we went to the beach in hung out in the ocean and tanned on the sand. We always went to a cute little restaurant that was located right down the s

Short Story

"1, 2, 3, 4," I hear as I run to the best possible hiding spot in the house. When I open the closet filled to the roof I notice someone has already taken my spot but as I look around the room I hear "Ready or not here I come," I jump in the overstuffed closet and grab the hinge of the door, trying to make sure the pile of junk I am standing on is sturdy. "Bang," The door closes, "crunch," my finger gets crushed in the hinges. I scream bloody murder and the person that was looking for us instantly swings the door open. "Oh my gosh," says the person who opens the door noticing the amount of blood dripping from my finger. I fall to the ground in pain, blacking out.

Da- Duh, In Memoriam

To Da-Duh, In Memoriam is based in Barbados in the 1930s. The narrators' grandmother is Da-Duh. Da- Duh lived in Barbados her entire life. She had her own ideas on things and was terrified of machines. She hates the modern world and is uncomfortable in the city of Bridgetown. Da- Duh is a very opinionated woman that is also caring. Da-Duh said and did many things in the story that revealed her personality. For example, when Da-Duh was speaking with her granddaughter about the empire state building she got mad because she does not like machinery. Da-Duh is a strong, caring, knowledgable woman that is also a labeler and stubborn. Da- Duh said "Yes, God is good," meaning she is probably religious. The things Da- Duh say and the way she dresses may show that she is opinionated. In the end, Da- Duh is a round character.