When I was a baby, I received a green frog with a pink and white plaid dress. I grew up with the little green frog that I named "Gracie" just when I was old enough to talk. I brought Gracie everywhere. She comforted me when I was little, and I could never leave her at home. I dragged her everywhere with me, and I would forget her at home I would throw a fit. Every time I did not have Gracie, I would feel lost or alone. Gracie represented the feeling of comfort and fullness. I know that it sounds crazy but I think that most little kids all had a comfort object. I know some of my friend's hand blankets, hats, dolls, or stuffed animals. They reacted just as I did when I left it at home. To this day every time I think about Gracie I can remember the feeling of absence. I am glad that I outgrew that stage, but I think it is a phase all children experience one time or another.