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Showing posts from November, 2017

Lord of the Flies: Thesis

             In Lord of the Flies , Golding displays the biguns and littleuns having trouble building a society on the island and without adults, they are helpless because they are focused on fun instead of trying to survive. "'I could swim when I was five. Daddy taught me. He's a commander in the Navy. When he gets leave he'll come and rescue us.'" This sentence quotation shows that Ralph has no clue that the boys are trapped on a stranded island where no one knows where they are. He has a strong feeling that his dad will rescue him off of the island very soon, so why not have fun while he can. Ralph thinks they will only be on the island for a couple of days at most until his dad comes to save them.

Free Post: Thanksgiving Break

My Thanksgiving break was somewhat eventful. On the first weekend, I caught up on sleep and hung out with some friends. On Monday I worked on my homework and got together with my family for my stepbrothers birthday. On Tuesday I went to my friends' basketball games and then slept over at her house afterward. On Thanksgiving, we invited my entire family to eat lunch with us. My mom and I made so much food, we are still eating it today. The rest of the week I did pretty much nothing except for decorate for Christmas on Friday with my mom. This weekend, I went to my stepdads camp with two of my closest friends. When we were up there we rode 4-wheelers, roasted marshmallows by the fire, and hung out with the other kids that were around. We left to go to the camp on Saturday afternoon and came back Sunday morning. Overall, my Thanksgiving break was eventful.

LOTF Response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...] "The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!" "Who cares?" Ralph summoned his wits. "Because the rules are the only thing we've got!" But Jack was shouting against him. "Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91) This paragraph shows that the new chief, Jack, is not worried about order or rules. He is not concerned about working together to try to get off of the island. Jack is not putting in any effort to get off of the island all he does is hunt and kill. He expects a ship will magically appear even though he has no rules or laws to guide a ship to the island. This paragraph also shows how out of h


When I was a baby, I received a green frog with a pink and white plaid dress. I grew up with the little green frog that I named "Gracie" just when I was old enough to talk. I brought Gracie everywhere. She comforted me when I was little, and I could never leave her at home. I dragged her everywhere with me, and I would forget her at home I would throw a fit. Every time I did not have Gracie, I would feel lost or alone. Gracie represented the feeling of comfort and fullness. I know that it sounds crazy but I think that most little kids all had a comfort object. I know some of my friend's hand blankets, hats, dolls, or stuffed animals. They reacted just as I did when I left it at home. To this day every time I think about Gracie I can remember the feeling of absence. I am glad that I outgrew that stage, but I think it is a phase all children experience one time or another.

Vocabulary Post

In about 5th grade I developed a habit  of biting my nails. I knew that it probably was not the best habit to acquire, but I could not help it. I think it was and still is my way of coping with stress. I used to bite my nails past the actual fingernail. During the summer I am not as stressed as usual, so I usually do not bite them as much. In 7th grade, I dreaded not having long fingernails because when I would go get my nails done with my friends, my nails would always look the worst, and it also hurt because of how short I bit them. Throughout the next couple of months, I tried not to bite them no matter how stressed I was. Now that I am in 9th grade the habit has slipped my mind and I do not bite my nails as often.

Lord of the Flies: Q2W4

So far in reading Lord of the Flies  I have come across multiple things that have made me have questions, observations, and some things that have puzzled me. Some of the questions that I have are "what is the importance of the littleuns? What is the significance of the pigs? Does Piggys name have anything to do with the significance of the pigs? Why does Roger like to throw rocks?" There are many questions that I have, but there are also many observations that I made while reading Lord of the Flies. The first observation I made was how the chapter titles relate to that chapter. The titles are very specific, and when you read them, you know exactly what is going to happen in that chapter. I noticed that the tone of the story is very pessimistic. Lastly, I observed that the "monsters" the children were investigating were not exactly real. They were not actually "monsters" they were dead bodies and vines. The things that puzzled me in Lord of the Flies  wer