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Showing posts from January, 2018

ATDPTI Response

This book is one of my favorite books that I have read so far. It is a quick read, which is good, because I am not the biggest fan of reading. The person who is narrating has a very amusing life and it makes me want to read more. The pictures in the book are a very good addition to the book because it helps the readers understand more of what the narrator is explaining. The pictures are also a good touch because some are funny and make the reader laugh. This book so far is very good and amusing, it is also a good book to read as we work on our research projects.

Research Update

My research project is on Hitler's rise to power. It is an interesting topic because many people are not sure of how people allowed such a hateful person become the chancellor, or the ruler, of Germany. Many people beleive that Hitler was a nice person when people voted for him, but really Hitler was manipulative and violent. Hitler gained voters by telling them they would be widley known if they voted for him. This research topic is imortant because Hitler's rise to power was so rapid and unexpected. This is also important because Hitler had many strengths that contributed to his rise to power, and most people do not think that. Hitler had personal experiecnces with the Jews that made him dislike them so badly. These are some of the reasons Hitlers rise to power was significant and interesting.

Winter Break

This winter break I stayed home, like I normally do. Over the break I hungh out with a bunch of my friends and saw family that I hadn't seen in a while. Over Christmas break, in my opinion, I'd rather stay at home with family because it is like a tradition for my family. Normally, my aunt from Atlanta would be at my house on Christmas morning. This year she could not make it because she is moving from Atlanta to Chicago. This Christmas I got a camera, new bedding, new shoes, and more. On Christmas morning my family and I had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast and then opened presents. We always follow that one tradition because we started it when I was little. Overaall, my Christmas break was veru eventful.

Research Update

For the past couple of weeks I have been researching specific sources for my research paper that is due in a couple of weeks. I chose "Hitler's Rise to Power" and I have found it easy but challenging at the same time. Hitler is such a mysterious, yet widley known person which is why, I think, this process is the way it is. Looking up Hitler's and his rise to power can be difficult because people still wonder how he was able to rise to power in a legal, democratic way. He is mysterious because he has done so meany thing and had so many followers, and no one stopped him. Although it is difficult sometimes, it is also easy becuse Hitler is such a widley known person and has committed so many bad deeds. Therefor, this process has been difficult yet easy at the same time.

Semester Reflection

There are definatley 3 things that I have learned so far in the first semester of the 9th grade. First off, I learned that most people will not judge you for you. They aren't as worried about what the people around them act like as I thought they were. Secondly, I have learned that homework is a big part of highschool grades and it is important to turn it in on time. Lastly, I found out that I need to let loose and have fun sometimes because being uptight and boring all the time is not the way to go. In the second semester I am going to be myself as much as possibe, because I don't really care about what people think of me anymore. Also, I am going to try to do my homework ahead of time and put my phone away so I can complete things faster. Lastly, I am going to let loose and have more fun over the weekends with my friends because doing homework all throught the weekend is not very fun.

What is the Difference Between Living and Being Alive?

Being alive is pretty much the most efortless thing you could do. It is to breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. To be alive is let life drag you through the necessary, everyday thing you need to survive. Being alive, in my opinion, is following societies expectations and living without trying anything new. Being alive is, not taking risks, not having fun, not doing things for yourself. Being alive is when you are not acheiving what you want to acheive and do with your life. To me living is living every moment to it fullest. It is taking advantage of your youthfulness. It is going out on limbs and being taking risks. It is thriving and flourishing. Living just comes from you being happy. Living is going out into the world and doing what you want to do. It is not following societys expectations or its so called rules.