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Showing posts from August, 2017


Happening. The most life-changing thing I will EVER experience. An entire weekend dedicated to God. Full of tears, laughs, and new friends. The Solomon Center in Roberts Louisiana is a huge builiding was where we spent most of our time, it is also one of the most peaceful places I have ever been. When we first arrived we were assigned small groups, I have to say I probably had the best group, anyways all of the groups went to a different location in the building. We all had to answer assigned questions but it did not feel forced. It was so cool to know other peoples storys, some worse than others, but everyone opened up and we all cried, laughed, supported each other. This retreat is from a Friday afternoon to Sunday night. We are not allowed to bring electronics or use watches, so we were using God time, or Kyros. Throughout the retreat we sang, played so many games, ate some pretty good food, became very close with people I have never even met, and learned about our faith. If you a

The Hate U Give

Hey guys, I am currently reading The Hate U Give  by Angie Thomas. So far I have only read around 85 minutes, which puts me at page 53. So far this book is about a girl named Starr who lives in a ghetto neighborhood but goes to a very preppy school so she tries to find a balance. Her bestfriend gets shot within the first 40 pages, this is not a spoiler, which basically starts the story off. I noticed that this story is facing very real problems in this world. For example, so many African Americans get punished for a crime that they did no commit. They get shot for saying the wrong things. They get hated on for their skin tones. The world is such a cruel place now a days and people do not deserve that kind of treatment. Even though I am only on page 53 I already know this book is going to be one of my favorite books yet. 10/10, would reccomend already.

It's Kind of a Funny Story

It's Kind of a Funny Story , is actually kind of a funny story. There is a kid named Craig. Craig has been suffering from depression ever since he started at his new school that sets high standards. As I was reading this book I noticed that the author, Ned Vizzini, made out Craig's depression to not be so serious. Throughout the book, he made subtle jokes that made me laugh out loud. This book also has life lessons and it may be able to help people understand that they are not the only ones going through hard times. What I really love is that this book is told from the authors' experiences. It makes the book feel so surreal. The way Ned Vizzini describes everything makes you feel like you are walking around as Craig, the main character. His writing is so real. most authors that write about teen depression do not really know what it is like, but Ned Vizzini did understand what it was like. I highly recommend this book to everyone because everyone goes through hard times a

Ghost Boy

     Ghost Boy by Marin Pistorius is one of the most intriguing books I have ever read, a page-turner as most would say. What I really like about this book was that the boy who was trapped inside of his own body for so many years wrote this book. He explains how it felt to not be able to move or talk or even let anyone know that he had a voice. This is important because if you read the book you know/ knew how hard Martin had it in the beginning. He didn't know how to lift his arm or move his head without spazzing out. Another thing that I really liked about this book was that each chapter explained an event that happened in Martins life and how he reacted to each event. It really put my life in perspective because I can walk, talk, and move freely without feeling trapped.        Throughout this story, I noticed how short each chapter was. Every chapter had at most 7 pages, yet it covered so many things. In 7 pages it explained what was happening, how Martin felt about what was