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Ghost Boy

     Ghost Boy by Marin Pistorius is one of the most intriguing books I have ever read, a page-turner as most would say. What I really like about this book was that the boy who was trapped inside of his own body for so many years wrote this book. He explains how it felt to not be able to move or talk or even let anyone know that he had a voice. This is important because if you read the book you know/ knew how hard Martin had it in the beginning. He didn't know how to lift his arm or move his head without spazzing out. Another thing that I really liked about this book was that each chapter explained an event that happened in Martins life and how he reacted to each event. It really put my life in perspective because I can walk, talk, and move freely without feeling trapped.
     Throughout this story, I noticed how short each chapter was. Every chapter had at most 7 pages, yet it covered so many things. In 7 pages it explained what was happening, how Martin felt about what was happening, and where the event took place. It almost felt like you were in Martins position during the chapters. This book is a short book that has so much detail it feels like you are living in Martins position. I definitely recommend this book, Ghost Boy, to anyone because it really puts things into perspective.


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