When I found out we were going to write personal narratives, I knew just what I was going to write. Happening was the most life-changing experience that has ever happened to me. I spent so much of my time trying to choose which words to place where. I wanted the people reading my narrative to understand the impact it had on my life.
The most difficult part of writing my narrative structuring it. I never know if I am correctly placing the paragraphs or if my sentences are complete. I also have struggled with comma usage. It would be amazing if my classmates could read my work and give me advice on my choice of words, I might have used too many descriptive words, and not enough literary devices. Writing my narrative has been kind of fun, to tell the truth, and I look forward to peer editing.
I've personally read your essays. They showed how much dedication and commitment you had. With a little a more, you'll reach your goal. I have the same issue.