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Showing posts from March, 2018

Most Important Things I Learned in 2017

 1. Do Your Homework- I have learned that homework is a big part of your grades in high school. I used to do my homework in the short period I had in the mornings before class started which would lead to me not finishing. Now that I have started doing my homework the night before I have been able to stay on track with what I am learning. 2. Study at Least 4 Days in Advance- Studying for that giant test you have in 2 days will not help you get anything done. I have learned that if you study at least 4 days in advance you will get better grades on those big tests you used to get C's on. 3. Trust Yourself- Your gut feeling is right. Your gut is normally right because it is your collection of learned experiences throughout your life. Trusting my gut has allowed me to make good decisions, or at least I think. 4. Accept Constructive Criticism- I used to get really aggravated when people gave me constructive criticism. I used to to obsess over the constructive criticism that I g

Purple Hibiscus Response

When I received the book Purple Hibiscus , I expected it to be similar to  Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, funny and . As I am starting to get into I have realized that it is nothing like ATDPTI.  It is a personal, emotional book about real world problems. The author of this book, Adichie, is an amazing author and is making the problems in this book very real. I like this book a lot because it is very interesting to read about the problems in Nigeria. I chose to read for race and gender. I chose this because now a days white women are not treated equally. So I am curious to see how an African American women was treated like in the 1990s. Already,  Kambili Achike, the mother in Purple Hibiscus  is not treated equally. I have a feeling that as this book progresses so will these topics and the reader will be able to see how unequal women were in the 1990s.

Umbrella by Rihanna and Jay Z I chose to analyze the song Umbrella by Jay Z and Rihanna. As I was analyzing this song I noticed that the artists use a lot of end rhyme in the song, for example: When the sun shine we shine togeth er Told you I'll be here forev er Said I'll always be your frie nd Took an oath, I'mma sti ck it out to the e nd Now that it's raining more than ev er Know that we'll still have each oth er You can stand under my umbre lla You can stand under my umbre lla Using end rhyme in this song really helped it flow and go well with the music. This song also uses cacophony to make the song flow smoother and to help the song rhyme and sound better as Rihanna is singing it. An example in the song of cacophony is:  These fan cy things will never co me in b et ween You're part of my en tity , here for in finity When the war has to ok its par t When the worl d has d ealt its car ds If the han d is har d

New York

The buildings standing high in the sky. The cars driving, wooshing by. The voices of the people I have yet to meet. This is the city that I love, oh so dearly. I used enjambment, end stopped, and caesura.

Free Post- Softball

Softball season is officially beginning and I am too excited! I have been looking for this since the beginning of the school year. During spring break that is all I am going to be doing. Even though most people are going out of town or going to visit family, but I am going to be playing softball and I am so excited! During spring break the team is going to be practicing nonstop to get ready for the upcoming games and tournaments during the break days. We have multiple games over the week on the days we are not practicing. Softball is my favorite sport because it is so laid back and it is so much fun. I am so excited to finally get the season kicked off.

Launch Day

I do not remember who gave this Launch presentation, but my overall favorite speech was the one about how when one person does one thing everyone slowly starts to follow. Before she gave that speech I noticed it, but not as much as I notice it now. Normally, I start packing my bag up a couple minutes before the bell rings, and sometimes after I pack up another person will pack up until the entire room is packed up. This happens in many situations. Another example is when we are going to lunch. If Ms. Spencer has not called freshman in yet, a small group may start walking up even though it is not time. Then, another group until the entire grade is in the lunchroom. Even though I did not notice this before as much, I am now starting to notice it so much. It happens all the time and most people just do not see it. It goes from walking to lunch to trends on social media. This was my favorite presentation because it happens so frequently and it is something that if you look for, you will