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Most Important Things I Learned in 2017

 1. Do Your Homework-
I have learned that homework is a big part of your grades in high school. I used to do my homework in the short period I had in the mornings before class started which would lead to me not finishing. Now that I have started doing my homework the night before I have been able to stay on track with what I am learning.

2. Study at Least 4 Days in Advance-
Studying for that giant test you have in 2 days will not help you get anything done. I have learned that if you study at least 4 days in advance you will get better grades on those big tests you used to get C's on.

3. Trust Yourself-
Your gut feeling is right. Your gut is normally right because it is your collection of learned experiences throughout your life. Trusting my gut has allowed me to make good decisions, or at least I think.

4. Accept Constructive Criticism-
I used to get really aggravated when people gave me constructive criticism. I used to to obsess over the constructive criticism that I got. Now I have realized that getting it is beneficial to me and it will help me grow as a person.

5. It is 100% ok to be Selfish-
It is so hard to try to satisfy everyone +yourself. You should be able to put your needs in front of other peoples. Don't feel like you have to help everyone else with their problems so you won't have the mindset to even think about yourself. It is okay to put your needs in front of other peoples.

6. Be Yourself-
It is so much easier to get things done as yourself than to not be yourself. Also, people will actually appreciate you for you. It is easier to be yourself than someone you are not. Lastly, you will make better choices if you are yourself. Those decisions will lead to a better, happier life.


  1. I love this list! My two favorite are number 5 and 6. Many people enter into high school trying to be people they're not and aim to please everyone. It's nice to know someone else has remember staying original is the best way t get through high school.


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