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Showing posts from April, 2018

Hits and Misses

I have had many hits and misses in the school year 2017-2018. Some of my hits included my personal narrative and my free posts for my blogs. Something about getting to choose what I get to write about is so much simpler to me. I do not need to cite or read very much before I write about whatever topic I choose. I always tend to want to write on these. I feel like the reason for these "free writes" my writing flowed so much easier and I always had something to write about. On the other hand I had so much trouble on my literary analysis and writing about the book we were reading about on my blog. I think having to cite and think back to very specific details that did not happen to me made it more difficult to write, so I constantly had writers block. Overall, I feel like I had a fair amount of hits and misses throughout the year that made me a much stronger writer.

Strengths and Challenges

I have had many strengths and weaknesses as my 9th grade year has passed. I think I am a very strong about writing about previous life experiences, for example my personal narrative. Another thing I think is one of my strengths, is writing fiction stories. I have learned that these are my strengths throughout the year because I enjoy writing about these things and because people like to read them as well. On the other hand, I also have many weaknesses. I am not so strong in writing analytical papers, such as my literary analysis. I am also not very strong in writing research papers. I have a difficult time citing quotes or changing things into my own words. I have found out that these are my weaknesses because throughout this year I have not enjoyed writing papers with these genres.

Reading Response

In the novel Purple Hibiscus  Kambili and Jaja have always lived with Papa and Mama. They have always had to follow Papas rules. By the middle of the book Kambili and Jaja go to live with Aunty Iefoma. They learn about how different their life at Papas home is compared to at Aunty Iefoma. They learn that life without following a schedule 24/7 is better than following one. I think that this is very important because life now is like this. So many people are secluded from the real world that they have no idea what kind of conditions people are living in. There are all different types of wealth and poverty. Even if you are extremely wealthy but have a bad home life, you are deprived from happiness. If you are not as wealthy as most but have an amazing home life, you would not even know what you are missing.

Do you Wish you Could Return to Moments from Your Past?

I do wish that I could return to moments from my past. I remember my childhood being so much fun because everyone in my grade was friends with everyone. I remember everyone was so innocent and freaked out when they said bad words. I remember when it was weird to invite boys to a girls birthday party. I remember when people used to cry when the teacher got mad at them. Growing up was the best times ever. Even though high school is pretty fun I do sometimes wish I could go back to 5th grade when life was so much easier. When naps were a thing and homework was something that only took 20 minutes, not 5 hours. Sometimes I do wish I could return to moments from my past, even though high school is a good time too.

Political Post

In the article  Aide to NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio arrested; police cite loaded gun, 'odor of marijuana' , Cummings explains that a women working in Mayor Bill de Blasios building was arrested for having a loaded gun, and having an 'odor of marijuana' on her. The police say that it was a handgun located in her car. They found the gun because apparently there were sounds of gunfire the night before and they found the worker, Reagan Stevens, sitting in the backseat of her car. The officers could smell the marijuana, so they searched the car. Stevens will be 'suspended without pay' and they will be taking this situation very seriously. I believe that Stevens should be fired because she was a significant public figure that Blasio relied on and trusted. They hired Stevens because they believed she was loyal and hardworking person and she turned out to be doing drugs when she was not supposed to. I chose this article because I liked the topic and the headline stood ou